"The Situation of the Youth Movement", No. 285 (20.11.1980)
The journal "Internationale Asienforum - International Quaterly for Asian Studies" (since 1996 published by the Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut in Freiburg/Breisgau) printed the presentation and German translation (by Ewalt R. Kirchrue) of an internal report on the election campaign at various Chinese universities in November 1980. (Vol. 15, 1984, No. 3/4, p. 301-324). This report labeled "strictly confidential" and only available to selected cadres at that time, was published by "The Situation of the Youth Movement" (Qingyun Qingkuang 青运情况), a subsidiary of the "Chinese Youth Daily" (Zhongguo Qingnian Bao 中国青年报, the central organ of the All China Youth League. It deals with questions like the freedom of expression, a multi-party system and criticism of Mao Zedong. In its annex it reprints three texts by the dissident student Li Shengping (李胜平/李盛平) who belongs to a group of critical Youth League members that also include Chen Ziming and Wang Juntao. Of the original Chinese text, there is only the first page available at the moment.
Facsimile of "The Situation of the Youth Movement", no. 285 (front page)