"Fine Arts" (Meishu 美术), No. 3, 1980
It is in March 1980 that "official" media report for the first time in detail on the exhibition of the "Stars" group, and even publish pictures of some of their works. The article in the "Fine Arts" magazine issued by the state-run Artists Association, is written by the well-known art critic Li Xianting, who has from the beginning supported the group's efforts to hold an exhibition. Li was later expelled from the Association (for a different reason), but he is still highly respected in Chinese cultural circles.
《 美术》1980年8期
"Fine Arts" (Meishu 美术), No. 10, 1980
Art works by Chen Cheng, Song Hong, Bo Yun, Mao Lizi.
"Fine Arts" (Meishu 美术), No. 12, 1980
"China Reconstructs" (No. 6, 1980)
The English language edition of "China Reconstructs" (a magazine mainly distributed abroad) reports on the the first official "Stars" exhibition from November 1979. The photos are showing works by Ma Desheng, Zhong Acheng, Qu Leilei, Huang Rui, Yan Li, Shao Fei and Wang Keping.
"New Observer" (Xin Guangcha 新观察, Beijing), No. 241, Sept. 10, 1980
"New Observer" (Xin Guangcha 新观察, Beijing), No. 241, Sept. 10, 1980
The Beijing bi-monthly was the first "official" magazine to report extensively on the second "Stars" exhibition of August 1980, including pictures of politically sensitive works of arts such as Wang Keping's "Idol".
"Jiangsu Paintings" (Jiangsu Huakan 江苏画刊) no.0 (trial edition), 1981
"Jiangsu Paintings" (Jiangsu Huakan 江苏画刊) no.0 (trial edition), 1981
The trial issue of this provincial magazine is printing some works by "Stars" artists.
Paintings by Li Shuang, Bo Yun, Zhu Jinshi and Yan Li from the exhibition in August 1980.