Jin Zhong (Kam Chong)
Jin Zhong (2013 in Hong Kong)
Jin Zhong (Kam Chong)
His real name is Yim Mou Wah (Mandarin: Ran Maohua). The editor-in-chief of the Hong Kong magazine "Open" (Chinese: "Kaifang") originally studied hydraulic engineering in the PRC. He worked in the Beijing Water Industry Planning Bureau before he moved to exile in Hong Kong. There in 1987, he became a co-founder of the monthly "Open" magazine devoted mainly to reports on political and social developments in mainland China and Taiwan. The journal ceased its printed edition in 2015 to publish only in the internet. In early 2016, after the abduction of several Hong Kong publishers critical to the Beijing regime, Yim Mou Wah decided to leave Hong Kong and take residence in the United States.
Interview with Jin Zhong (Yim Mou Wah) on Nov. 16, 2013 in a hotel in Hong Kong
Here you find the Chinese text of the interview (an English translation will be provided later).