Die Avantgardekunst- und Kulturbewegung
Ai Weiwei 艾未未: Wo shi dianfu yishu de hundan 我是颠覆艺术的混蛋 (I am a bastard who is turning arts upside down). In: Thestarsart.com/星星画会, Jan. 20, 2010; original source: San Xia Wenxue《三峡文学》(Three Gorges Literature), author: Gun Gun 棍棍, retrieved 01.11.2017
Andrews, Julia F.: Painters and politics in the People’s Republic of China 1949-1979. University of California Press. Berkley / Los Angeles / London 1994
Anna 安娜 [France]: Chuangzuo ziyou zhi men wie kai - jieshao de er jie Xingxing Meizhan 创作自由之门微开--介绍第二届星星美展 (The door to creative liberty has been let slightly ajar - introducing the second Stars Exhibition). In: Observer/Guanchajia 观察家, Nr. 36, Hong Kong, October 1980 (pp. 31-34)
Chine. Une nouvelle literature. Special Edition of the literary monthly "europe". Nr. 672. Paris (April) 1985
Andrew Cohen: Eternal Spring - Ma Desheng; ArtAsiaPacific, Hong Kong, February/March 2014, retrieved 01.11.2017 (Chinese language version: 永恒的春天 - 马德升)
Cohen, Joan Lebold: The new Chinese painting, 1949-1986. Harry N. Abrams. New York 1986
Di er jie Xingxing Meizhan guanzhong liu yan zhai chao 第二届星星美展观众留言摘抄 (Excerpts of the comments left by visitors of the second Stars Exdhibition). In: Observer/Guanchajia 观察家, Nr. 36, Hong Kong, October 1980 (pp. 39-41)
Galikowski, Maria: Art and Politics in China 1949-1984. The Chinese University Press. Hong Kong 1998
Gao Minglu [高名潞]: Total Modernity and the Avant-Garde in Twentieth-Century Chinese Art. The MIT Press. Cambridge MA and London 2011
Gao Minglu yu Huang Rui guanyu Xingxing Huahui de duihua 高名潞与黄锐关于星星画会的对话 (Gao Minglu and Huang Rui debating on the "Stars" artists‘ association), 26.9.2013. In: Dongfang Shijue 东方世界 (PRC), quoted from: artron.net (Shanghai), retrieved 4.2.2014
Huang Rui [黄瑞]: The Stars Period 1977-1984. Asia One Books. Hong Kong 2012 [Chinese and English]
Kinkley, Jeffrey C. (Ed.): After Mao: Chinese Literature and Society 1978-1981. Harvard East Asian Monographs 115. Cambridge, MA, und London 1990
Li Shuang 李爽: Shuang. Qishi niandai siren zhaji 爽。七十年代私人札记(Chearfulness. Personal Notes from the seventies). Xinxing Chubanshe 新星出版社/New Star Press. Peking 2013
Li Shuang tan qishi niandai. Women zhe dai ren bu shi ouran de. Suoyou kangzheng dou shi wei jintian 李爽谈七十年代。我们这代人不是偶然的。所有抗争都为今天 (Li Shuang on the seventies. Our generation was not there by chance. All our resistance was focusing on today). Fenghuang Wang 凤凰网 (Peking), 19.8.2013, retrieved 4.2.2014
Lin Shan 林善: "Xingxing Huahui" huiguzhan fang Yan Li: Zuo ziji renwei zhongyao de shiqing "星星画会"回顾展访严力:做自己认为重要的事情 (Interview with Yan Li at the commemorative exhibition of the "Stars" group), 99 Yishu Wang 艺术网 (Peking), 27.11.2007, retrieved 4.2.2014)
Li Xianting 栗宪庭: Yijian de mingfang. Cong guojia yishi xingtai zhong chuzou 艺见的鸣放。从国家意识形态中出走 (The arts speak out. Fleeing the state ideology). Taipei 2010
Lu Peng 吕澎: 90s Art China / Zhongguo dangdai yishu shi 中国当代艺术史 (China’s contemporary art history). Hunan Meishu Chubanshe 湖南美术出版社 (Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House). Changsha 2000
Ou Pulei 欧普雷 [Helmut Opletal]: "Xingxing Huazhan" huajia fangwen ji 星星画展画家访问记 (Interview mit den Malern der Ausstellung "Die Sterne"). In: Guanchajia 观察家, Nr. 37, Hong Kong, 20. Nov. 1980 (pp. 39-42)
Sha Tian 沙田: Renquan de huoju. Minzhu de haojiao - Du "Huo shen jiaoxiang shi" 人权的火炬。民主的号角 --读"火神交响诗". In: Guanchajia 观察家, Nr. 18, Hong Kong, April 1979 (pp. 14-19)
Shen Kuiyi; Andrews, Julia F.: Light before Dawn. Unofficial Chinese Art 1974-1985. Asia Society Hong Kong Centre, 2013
Siren zhaji zhong de Xingxing di yi qie Meizhan 私人札记中的第一届星星美展 (Personal notes on the first Stars art exhibition). Zhongguo Wenhuabao 中国文化报/China Culture; quoted from: Sina.com (Peking), 19.8.2013, retrieved 22.10.2015
The Stars Art 星星画会 (The Stars Group Website), retrieved 22.10.2015
Wang Keping [王克平] (catalogue). Vibrant Life Publication. Hong Kong o.J. (ca. 2010)
Wang Keping 王克平: "Xingxing" wangshi "星星"往事 ("The Stars"). Thestarsart.com (Shanghai), 1.3.2010; retrieved 4.2.2014
Whittaker, Iona (Ed.): A Constellation of Stars. Huang Rui and Ma Desheng: Art Editors 1978-1983. Hadrien de Montferrand Gallery. Peking 2013 [Chinese and English]
Xingxing shi nian 星星十年 /The Stars: 10 years. Hanart 2. Hong Kong/Taipei/New York, NY 1999 (English and Chinese)
Yan Li 严力: Xingxing Huahui yu wo 星星画会与我 (The Stars' Artists Association and me). In Lion Art 雄狮美术, Taipei, nr. 6, 1986, pp. 162-169
Yi Dan 易丹: Xingxing lishi 星星历史 (The history of the Stars). Hunan Meishu Chubanshe 湖南美术出版社. Changsha 2002
You Renquan koushu/Meilei bilu. Huiyi Beijing minzhuqiang. 游仁泉口述/美蕾笔录. 回忆北京民主墙 (Dictated by You Renquan/Written down by Mei Lei. Memories of Beijing's Democracy Wall. In: Guanchajia 观察家, Hong Kong, August 1979 (pp. 33-35) [On Xue Mingde's open air exhibition in April 1979]
Ziran.Shehui.Ren. - Sirenbang hou shouci minjian sheyingzhan zuopin ji 自然.社会.人 - 四人帮后首次民间摄影展作品集 (Nature. Society. Man. Works from the first nonofficial photo exhibition after the Gang of Four). Beijing April Photo Association/北京四月影会. Hong Kong 1979
Zhang, Nianchao 章念潮: Zhongguo xinrui yishu. 23 wei qianwei yishujia zuopin shilu 中国新锐艺术。23 前卫艺术家作品实录 (China New-Art. The works of 23 avantgarde artists). Zhongguo Shijieyu chubanshe 中国世界语出版社/China Esperanto Publishing House. Beijing 1999
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