Die Li-Yi-Zhe-Gruppe in Guangzhou

Feifa de fa he wuzui de zui - Li Zhengtian zai Guangzhou di san ci Qingnian Lilun Taolunhui shang de fayan 非法的法和无罪的罪--李正天在广州第三次青年理论讨论会上的发言 (Illegal laws and crimes without guilt - Li Zhengtian's intervention at the Third Youth Theory Conference in Guangzhou). In: Observer/Guanchajia 观察家, Nr. 34, Hong Kong, August 1979, pp. 15-17  

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Li Yizhe 李一哲 – The Quest for Democracy/Li Yizhe shijian. Wenge zhong yichang cong xia er shang de minzhu yu fazhi de suqiu 李一哲事件。文革中一场从下而上的民主与法制的诉求 (The case of Li Yizhe. A grass-root demand for democracy and legality during the Cultural revolution). Zhongguo Jiaodian Chubanshe 中国焦点出版社. Hong Kong 2010  

"Li Yizhe": Xi Zhongxun wei wo pingfan yuan’an. "李一哲": 习仲勋为我平反冤案 (Xi Zhongxun has lifted the unjust verdict on me). In: Chen Zhongxua: Huainian Xi Zhongxun 怀念习仲勋 (Remembering Xi Zhongxun). Zhong Gong Dangshi Chubanshe 中共党史出版社,Beijing 2005. Quoted in: Nanfang Baoye Wang 南方报业网 (Guangzhou), 2.6.2008, retrieved 4.2.2014

Liu Ying 柳莹: Chuanqi renwu Li Zhengtian 传奇人物李正天 (The legendary personality Li Zhengtian). In: Zhengming 爭鳴 (Hong Kong), no. 19, May 1979, pp. 44-46

Shang Zhi 尚芝: Wo suo renshi de Li Yizhe 我所认识的李一哲 (The Li Yizhe I got to know). In: Dongxiang 動向, Hong Kong, April 1979, pp.9-10   

Yan Yan 炎炎: San fang Li Yizhe 三访李一哲 (Visiting Li Yizhe three times). In: Dongxiang 動向, nr. 5, Hong Kong, February 1979, pp. 12-21 

Ying Zi 莹子: Da yuan'an pingfanhui pangting ji 大冤案平反会旁听记 (Notes from listening to the rehabilitation ceremony of a big case of injustice). In: Dongxiang 動向, nr. 5, Hong Kong, February 1979, pp. 6-11 

Zhou Tian 周天: Guangzhou zhuanfang. Li Yizhe da yuan'an pingfan qian hou 广州专访。李一哲大冤案平反前后 (Exclusive report from Guangzhou. Before and after the reversal of the big unjust verdict against Li Yizhe). In: Dongxiang 動向, Hong Kong, April 1979, pp.4-8